Acu2000 Acupuncture

Acu2000 is a modern acupuncture technique devised in Denmark at the beginning of the 21st century. It is not based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the procedure does use acupuncture needles. This treatment is very effective for pain relief and sports injury. Acu2000 can also be used to treat most eye problems.

Pain relief and Sports injury

Acu2000 is very effective for pain relief and sports injury. You will need to be treated 5 times during the first week for the best results. Sports professionals use this technique to speed up recovery times.

Eye Diseases Acu2000

This treatment is used to treat most eye problems, such as macular degenerative disease. It is not really used to treat simple myopia, and strabismus. The treatment protocol covers two weeks, daily for 5 days with a weekend break then five more days. You need to have 2 hours available per day. The method has a half hour treatment using a set of acupuncture points, an hour break, then another half hour treatment with another set of acupuncture points.